First off, there are three TYPES or CATEGORIES of concerns customers can give you.
1. Questions
These are questions the customers just want answered. They are not objections, so just answer them directly and move on. Unfortunately a lot of salesmen will treat questions as “real concerns” and start throwing up on customers, so to speak, spending way too much time answering the question. Done INCORRECTLY, you can even create a “real concern” that wasn’t there in the first place.
2. Excuses/smoke screens
These are surface level objections to just get you off the phone, out of their office, or away from them! This isn’t their “real concern,” it’s just an excuse for what their real reason may be for not buying from you.
3. “Real concerns.”
These are the customer’s true reasons for not wanting to buy or what is impeding them from taking action. Without overcoming their “real concerns,” you will not close the sale! Or much worse, they will buy, but soon after have buyers remorse and cancel.
Handling the category of their concern in the correct order will not only save the sale but also save you so much time in your sales pitch.
You also need to realize a lot of concerns that clients or customers give are not always what I call “real concerns,” they are most likely just a question or a smoke screen. Our job is to find out quickly if their concern is a “real concern” or not. The rule of thumb I use is the FIRST time the customer brings up an objection or concern during your sales conversation, you treat it as a question or smoke screen, NOT a “real concern.” The second time the customer brings up that same objection or concern, then you know it is a “real concern,” so you treat it as such.
I call this the ICE-BERG EFFECT.
If you think of an ice-berg, the
majority of the ice-berg is underwater. Same goes with your customers concerns. When they begin to give reasons for why they can’t buy your product or take action, they are almost always just showing the “tip of their ice-berg,” or the surface level answer of what may be their “real concern.”
Once you identify the “real concern,” then spend time overcoming the concern. Before you start to resolve the concern, I would also strongly suggest you ask this very powerful question:
“So besides talking with your wife (insert whatever the real concern is you overcame here), is there anything else that would prevent you from getting this done?”
This question completely takes away the ice-berg effect allowing the customer to either confirm whether the objection they gave you is real, which they will reply, “yes, I really do need to talk to my wife.” Or, if their objections was just an excuse, this question will help pull out their “real concern.” For example, after you ask the question above, the customer might reply saying, “well, no I just don’t have the money right now.” Think about it, now you can overcome the money objection instead of wasting 10 minutes trying to overcome the spouse concern! This saves so much time and energy during your sales conversations.
If you would like to know how to address all three categories of concerns including questions, smoke screens/excuses, and real concerns, check out my Explosive Sales Training Program. I go into even more depth on how to become a master at addressing and resolving any concern. I give proven techniques that show how to handle any of the three categories.
The best part about this commitment pattern is once you have successfully mastered it, and can identify and overcome all of your customers concerns during your sales conversations, your customer will literally not have any more reasons to NOT buy. You will start seeing your closing and success rate go way up! “Yes,” has never come easier!
If you’re missing out on sales by not implementing actions like these into your sales regimen, you must invest in yourself and your ability to take knowledge and turn it into action. BlackLine provides an Explosive Sales Training Program that will expand your mind and allow you to increase sales production.
Lastly, if you’re ready to invest in yourself and you want to make a change in your life, fill out the form below. Once I receive your application, we will have a chat about what your needs are and how one of my products can solve it. Hint: I’m really good at this stuff. Let me help you, but it’s not free.
This is a great article!
Consistency of purpose, hard work-everyday and a passion to win, with a positive mental attitude, will lead you to success in any field.
I hope to learn great things from you.
Vern Brown,
Exactly! That is a great recipe for anyone looking to maximize their potential and accomplish the results they are looking for.